How do I know I have the Holy Spirit? [So, what about... The Holy Spirit, pt 5]
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When we don’t feel the Holy Spirit like we think we are supposed to it can create a lot of anxiety. Can we ever actually KNOW that the Holy Spirit is in us? Can we lose the Holy Spirit?
How do I follow the Holy Spirit? [So, what about... The Holy Spirit, pt 4]
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Religious people seem to love rules. Why is that? Jesus gives us something so much better than a new set of do’s and don’ts. He gives us the Holy Spirit of God.
That spark of hope many of us feel at Christmas… isn’t just a warm feeling from too much eggnog, expert marketing, excitement for presents, or nostalgia of selective childhood memories. It is a glimpse of something real. it is a beacon to a real hope for our real lives right now. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from… You can experience this hope today.
When we look around the real world doesn’t really give us more to hope for. But we don’t have to give up, try to ignore what’s wrong, or distract ourselves with pointless diversions. There is real hope. We are all invited to play our role in a revolution of hope for the entire world.
Hope. It’s turned into an elusive feeling we cynically relegate it to an ethereal, magical feeling for kids at Christmas. But hope is real. And real hope is powerful. Real hope is tangible. Real hope is available to each of us personally. It’s a hope that was realized over 2000 yrs ago by a teenage peasant named Mary and it’s a hope each of us can personally experience this xmas and the rest of the year.
– A few simple songs (usually a guitar and maybe a violin and percussion) to sing along with or just listen to. – A short message (similar to our YouTube/podcast style messages) – Communion together (all are welcome at the table, but you can also skip this). – A final song and a simple prayer. – Afterwards, an optional snack while you meet some folks.
All in all, should last about an hour.
How many people will be there? 🤓
We are a small church, like a majority of churches in America! Weekly we see between 25 and 45 people gathering in the main room. It just depends. If you want to hide in the back, you still can!
What do you offer for kids? 👨👧👧
We have kids’ classrooms for nursery/pre-k and for elementary kids through grade 5. Our volunteers are background checked and there are always open doors and multiple volunteers. You can also keep your kids in the service with you. It’ll be an hour long. Email us with any specific kid-related questions!
Do I have to believe in Jesus to attend? 🙋🏽
No. We created this church in 2017 to be a place where faith in Jesus can be explored, and isn’t demanded, assumed or expected.
We welcome your questions, your doubts, and the process of faith. You don’t have to believe to belong.
And we won’t make any assumptions: we promise to explain briefly what’s happening and invite you to join in. You can also sit back and just check things out.