What kind of soil are you? (Ep 57)

We were created for more than we have yet to imagine. But often, we settle for so much less because we fail to make a few simple yet powerful choices. It is time we choose to take our place in the Kingdom of God.
We were created for more than we have yet to imagine. But often, we settle for so much less because we fail to make a few simple yet powerful choices. It is time we choose to take our place in the Kingdom of God.
We want our lives to have significance… to be significant. But most of our moments seem so insignificant. The Kingdom of God revolutionizes true significance and shows us that every moment is an opportunity to discover that there is more.
We all want more than this. In order to find it, we think we need to be more than… “them.” We carry the heavy and unrealistic expectations of others and ourselves to be more than. But what if what we are looking for is found in the opposite? What if we find more in being less?
There’s got to be more. There’s got to be more to life than simply trying to get ahead, get what we can, and fight for our happiness only to ultimately die and be forgotten. There’s got to be more to following Jesus than being good, having a spiritual high once a week, and waiting to go to heaven. And according to Jesus, there is more… more than we have yet imagined.