What does a disciple look like? [Mark 3:7-19]

What does a disciple look like? [Mark 3:7-19]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What does a disciple look like? [Mark 3:7-19]

We are products of our influences. We like what we like and think what we think mostly because someone told us it was the right thing to like and the right thing to think. The Story of Jesus gives us the ability to clearly and purposely reevaluate our life’s influences and rewrite our own stories.

Does God want me to be religious? [Mark 2:18-3:6]

Does God want me to be religious? [Mark 2:18-3:6]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Does God want me to be religious? [Mark 2:18-3:6]

God wants us to be religious, right? Wrong. The Story of Jesus isn’t about following a list of religious rules. The Story of Jesus is the story of true love and freedom.