What difference can I really make?  [The Art of… pt 5]

What difference can I really make? [The Art of… pt 5]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
What difference can I really make? [The Art of... pt 5]

We all have the ability to be the change we wish to see in the world. But this type of life doesn’t just happen by accident. It’s the result of conscious and committed choices about how we live… but we don’t have to do it alone. The secret to becoming the change we wish to see is discovered when we practice the art of following Jesus.

Becoming: Shared Ministry (Pt 2)

Becoming: Shared Ministry (Pt 2)

Becoming: Shared Ministry (Pt 2)

Often, our approach to ministry is that it’s someone else’s job… in fact, there’s 3 common approaches to seeing service or “ministry” (we won’t spoil what those are for you…).  HOWEVER, a value that we hold as a church offers a fourth approach: “Shared Ministry” is people working together to help out.  We believe it’s the best way to do ministry, and that it has the ability to transform individuals, families, churches, and the greater community. Listen / watch to find out more.

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