Your gifts and tithes mean the world to us.
Click to continue to our secure donation portal. You can also mail us a check directly to:
Crosscreek Community Church
4742 Liberty Rd. S. #123
Salem, OR 97302
What we mean by purposely investing:
Jesus says… Life is not measured by how much you own… then what is life measured by? How do you measure whether a life is full and great?
What did Jesus say? If you want to be great be the servant of all, a great life is a life focused outward.
Life isn’t measured by what we get for ourselves but by what we generously give to others.
Watch this episode for more about contentment, frugality, and generosity.
Setting up recurring donations using our giving service helps us build a budget.
You can also choose to cover the transaction fees associated with donation processing.
We are a non-profit 501c3. Tax ID # 82-1535678.
🚨 No Gathering Sunday March 10. We will be at Marion Polk Food Share 🥕 #FORSalem
See you Sunday, March 17, 4:30pm back on regular schedule!
“Churchgoers throughout history have been talking about tithing since, well, forever. And whether or not you grew up in the church, you’ve probably at least heard about it. But what does tithing actually mean?
If you’ve been wondering what a tithe is, how much you should be tithing, and whether you should even be tithing if you’re in debt, you’re not the only one.
So, let’s start with the basics…”