Sure, it’s great to have people you like. It’s fun to enjoy, parties, celebrations, and hanging out. But what about when life is hard? It seems so easy go from up to down, so quickly that we get discouraged. And then there are the really big things: cancer, losing a loved one…? Well in this episode, we provide an answer… And it’s actually one of the core beliefs Christians have had since before they were called Christians. Watch and listen to find out what it is, and why it’s worth considering…
We’re halfway through our series. And it’s probably good to admit this: Better together doesn’t always seem better. Be with anyone long enough and they will hurt you. So what are our options? Nag and complain? Isolate ourselves? Close emotions off to any real, meaningful relationship? Well, sure… you could. But, we propose a different way. And, if you can make it happen… every single relationship you have will be better, which will make your life better. It’s one of the secrets to a happy life… Listen or watch to find out what we mean. We promise, it’ll be worth your time… money back guarantee.
To be “Better Together” we have to admit that we are “Worse Alone”… that we can’t do life by ourselves. Because really, admitting that we are worse off on our own means we are admitting that we are lacking something. So, often we choose isolation to protect ourselves. But maybe there’s a better way. Maybe we can be better together by doing something that’s simple, but also can be difficult at first. Once we do, we truly discover our design for relationships and a better way of doing life… together. Listen / watch to find out what we mean.
Often if we feel divided, isolated, disconnected… it’s because we have had a part in it. Division is the result of choosing ME over WE. Every time we choose to put ourselves over others… we separate ourselves from each other. And we become more and more isolated, and more and more miserable. BUT… imagine what this country would be like if we were devoted to each other more than our personal views and opinions? Imagine what your marriage would be like if you were devoted to each other more than being right or getting what YOU want? Work? Friendships? Parenting… It starts with us. Watch/listen to find out more.
– A few simple songs (usually a guitar and maybe a violin and percussion) to sing along with or just listen to. – A short message (similar to our YouTube/podcast style messages) – Communion together (all are welcome at the table, but you can also skip this). – A final song and a simple prayer. – Afterwards, an optional snack while you meet some folks.
All in all, should last about an hour.
How many people will be there? 🤓
We are a small church, like a majority of churches in America! Weekly we see between 25 and 45 people gathering in the main room. It just depends. If you want to hide in the back, you still can!
What do you offer for kids? 👨👧👧
We have kids’ classrooms for nursery/pre-k and for elementary kids through grade 5. Our volunteers are background checked and there are always open doors and multiple volunteers. You can also keep your kids in the service with you. It’ll be an hour long. Email us with any specific kid-related questions!
Do I have to believe in Jesus to attend? 🙋🏽
No. We created this church in 2017 to be a place where faith in Jesus can be explored, and isn’t demanded, assumed or expected.
We welcome your questions, your doubts, and the process of faith. You don’t have to believe to belong.
And we won’t make any assumptions: we promise to explain briefly what’s happening and invite you to join in. You can also sit back and just check things out.