Take Charge: Pay Attention (Pt 3/3)

Take Charge: Pay Attention (Pt 3/3)

Take Charge
Take Charge
Take Charge: Pay Attention (Pt 3/3)

It’s here, the final part in our series and we get to tackle something that SOUNDS really fun, but in reality, doesn’t happen as much as it probably should: Generosity. We often tell ourselves ‘if we had a little bit more or were wealthy, we’d love to be generous… And when we have enough we will be.’  But maybe generosity is determined by the willingness to give, not the amount given. Listen or watch to find out how you can be a generous (and happy!) person, no matter your income.

Take Charge: Pay Attention (Pt 3/3)

Take Charge: Who’s the Boss? (Pt 2/3)

Take Charge
Take Charge
Take Charge: Who's the Boss? (Pt 2/3)

In part 1, we focused on the purpose of money: that is to use it for a purpose that isn’t you. Here in part 2, we face this hard fact: There will never be enough money to give you a life of purpose.  So what do we do?  Well, we do have some control over our life, our purpose, and how we use our money. It can be summed up like this: we choose our priorities. Listen or watch to discover how we usually order things, and perhaps a fresh rearrangement of those priorities! It could be a game changer.

Take Charge: Pay Attention (Pt 3/3)

Take Charge: You’re a Tool (Pt 1/3)

Take Charge
Take Charge
Take Charge: You're a Tool (Pt 1/3)

Money can make so many aspects of our lives better: food, shelter, entertainment… One thing we can all agree on, is money can add purpose to life. But… we can also agree: it is not the purpose of life. It becomes a problem when we forget that. How do we separate our life’s “purpose,” when so much time is spent on earning a living? Listen to the first part of our “Take Charge” series and discover, why (good news) you’re a tool.