The Real Jesus: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (Part 4)

The Real Jesus: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (Part 4)

The Real Jesus
The Real Jesus: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (Part 4)

In this final installment of “The Real Jesus” we look at Jesus’ identity as we tackle the question: Who did he say he was? A common argument against Jesus’ deity (maybe you’ve heard it, or said it) is this: “Jesus never claimed to be God.” We explore that misconception, and the specific words Jesus used in claiming to be God. Ultimately, in exploring the Real Jesus, we have to look at the evidence, and then look in the mirror and ask: who do I say Jesus is?

The Real Jesus: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (Part 4)

The Real Jesus: What Did Jesus Do? (Part 3)

The Real Jesus
The Real Jesus: What Did Jesus Do? (Part 3)

This week we continue to look at the real Jesus… specifically what he did. In looking at a portion of his teaching as recorded in Luke 22, we discover a few key distinctions. Jesus replaced guessing about God, with knowing God. Jesus replaced temples and priests, with a new family of brothers and sisters. Jesus replaced being afraid of God, with peace with God. And, Jesus replaced lists of rules, with his one rule: the Law of Love. In short, Jesus changed religion forever.

The Real Jesus: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (Part 4)

The Real Jesus: What Did Jesus Teach? (Part 2)

The Real Jesus
The Real Jesus: What Did Jesus Teach? (Part 2)

Last week in Part 1, we looked into the reality of Jesus. This week: what did he teach? Ken Silva looks closer at one of Jesus’ teachings and we discover it’s more than prayer Jesus is teaching about! In Matthew 6:6-13, Jesus lays a foundation upon which much of His other teaching rests.

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The Real Jesus: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (Part 4)

The Real Jesus: Did Jesus Exist? (Part 1)

The Real Jesus
The Real Jesus: Did Jesus Exist? (Part 1)

Ask 10 people who they think Jesus is, and you’ll likely get 10 different answers. And, in the weeks leading up to Easter, it seems every news channel or tabloid claims to have discovered some new thing about the life of Jesus. So, who’s the REAL Jesus? In order to find out, we first need to discover… did Jesus really exist?