Why I Still Believe w/ Aaron & Monica Fiedler (pt 3 / 3)

Why I Still Believe w/ Aaron & Monica Fiedler (pt 3 / 3)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why I Still Believe w/ Aaron & Monica Fiedler (pt 3 / 3)

Does a relationship with Jesus change and grow as we do the same? How does our faith mature and transform as we ask more questions and explore? We thought Monica and Aaron Fiedler would be some really good people to talk to about this whole idea, for two reasons. First, real stories might help those of you exploring what following Jesus might mean for you. Secondly, we hope to encourage those of you who already follow Jesus frame your own experiences in order to grow and share with others.

Why I Still Believe w/ Luke Summers (pt 2 / 3)

Why I Still Believe w/ Luke Summers (pt 2 / 3)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why I Still Believe w/ Luke Summers (pt 2 / 3)

Though every Christian shares the same core belief that God became human, brought his kingdom to earth now through his life, death, and resurrection… how God interacts, guides, transforms, and lives with each believer is as unique as each individual. But what is that really like? Why do people still believe in this God 2000 years after these events supposedly happened?

Why I Still Believe w/ Ken Silva (pt 1 / 3)

Why I Still Believe w/ Ken Silva (pt 1 / 3)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Why I Still Believe w/ Ken Silva (pt 1 / 3)

In this series, we want to give those of you exploring Christianity some personal examples of what it is like to follow Jesus… your chance to safely explore and listen with an open mind. And to give those who are Jesus Followers encouragement in hearing what Jesus has done in real people’s lives.