Living a questionable life on purpose [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 9] #ruleoflife #rhythmoflife

Living a questionable life on purpose [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 9] #ruleoflife #rhythmoflife

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Living a questionable life on purpose [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 9] #ruleoflife #rhythmoflife

God isn’t distant, disinterested, or mad at you. He created you specifically on purpose. He loves you, likes you, and enjoys you! He invites all of us to experience a life more fulfilling and satisfying than we can imagine. We find this life by practicing the Art of Following Jesus.

How can I hear God? [The Art of… pt 2] #solitude #silence #prayer

How can I hear God? [The Art of… pt 2] #solitude #silence #prayer

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How can I hear God? [The Art of... pt 2] #solitude #silence #prayer

Can we actually listen to God? What does it mean to be guided by the Holy Spirit? Is it just a Christian version of following our hearts? How do we know we aren’t just hearing what we want to hear? If we really want to be able to listen to God we need to practice the art of following Jesus.

But what do you DO with what you believe? [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 1]

But what do you DO with what you believe? [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 1]

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
But what do you DO with what you believe? [The Art of Following Jesus, pt 1]

What does it actually mean to be a Christian… to follow Jesus? Just believe the right stuff, follow the right list of rules and you’re good to go? Honestly, that sounds terrible. There’s another way. It’s time we practice the art of following Jesus