Crosscreek Community Church
Crosscreek Community Church
How to Find Peace and Purpose When You’re Overwhelmed (Pt 1 of "Stop Trying So Hard")

Feeling overwhelmed? Learn how to embrace Jesus’ invitation to rest and experience life the way it was meant to be.


Welcome to Crosscreek Community Church’s Podcast channel! Located in the Pacific Northwest, Crosscreek Community Church offers a welcoming online church community for those on a journey to discover their meaning in life, explore their doubts, ask questions, and discover more about God, Jesus, Christianity, the Bible, and more.


Main Ideas:
Life often feels like a marathon with no finish line.
Jesus said if we want to enjoy life and find real rest… we have to stop trying so hard.
To discover the life Jesus offers we first have to acknowledge we don’t know what we’re doing.
The life Jesus offers comes from knowing and being personally known by God.
Rest isn’t about what you do; it’s about who you trust.
If following Jesus doesn’t give you rest for your soul something is off
Jesus is the inviter, the source, and the sustainer of the life we are all looking for.
The life Jesus offers is experienced in a community resting in Jesus.
We can stop trying so hard when we start trusting Jesus.

Come to Jesus.

Allow him to teach you:
Read Mathew 5-7 this week.
Write down anything you learn about Jesus.

Practice resting and trusting.

Discussion Questions:
What stood out to you most in this week’s message?
When do you usually feel overwhelmed by life’s responsibilities? How do you typically cope with that feeling?
Read Matthew 11 vv25-30. What does it mean to you that Jesus describes himself as humble and gentle at heart?
What would it mean for you to ‘stop trying so hard’ and trust Jesus with your burdens?
How can your group pray with you this week?



4:30pm on Sundays.

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