So much of what we think it means to follow Jesus would seem strange to his first followers. By looking at Jesus’ interaction with his first followers we can rethink what it really means to follow Jesus in the 21st century.
Episode Breakdown:
0:24 We welcome you
1:15 Who’s Willing? w/ Jon
26:00 Take a next step?
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▶ June 13 #forSalem June Opportunity: Woodmansee Park Day!
June 13, 1-3pm Woodmansee Park in South Salem. Details & RSVP on the web. https://www.yourcrosscreek.com/party
▶ Our next Outdoor Party! June 27, 4:30 pm.
▶ #SalemOregon #local Giveaways (Happening on Social Media later this week)
– Enter to win this week on Social Media- Gilgamesh Brewing https://www.facebook.com/gilgameshbrewing
– Last week’s giveaway: Xicha Brewing https://www.facebook.com/xichabrewing
▶ Suggested Bible Readings:
The Book of Mark! https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/15625-30-days-in-the-gospel-of-mark
Matthew 4:18-22 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+4%3A18-22&version=NLT
Philippians 3:8-11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+3%3A8-11&version=NLT
▶ Additional Resources:
Knowing God- J.I. Packer: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/knowing-god_ji-packer/245803/#isbn=083081650X
The Chosen Series: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen
▶ Music we listened to making this episode:
U2- I Will Follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv51LO7NOTo
Redbone- Come and Get Your Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc0KhhjJP98
The Police- When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What’s Still Around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC8vxXC0UMc
▶ Donate to Crosscreek & keep a good thing goin’ 🙂
- In what way(s) have you seen God working in your life & world this week?
- Jesus knows you, accepts you, and invites you. Is one of those easy or difficult for you in some way? Why is that?
- Read Philippians 3:8-11. How would you describe “knowing Jesus?” Why do you think Paul saw it as having “infinite value?”
- What would knowing Jesus closer look like in your life right now? How can your group pray for you?