Better Together: Preemptive (Pt 3)

Better Together: Preemptive (Pt 3)

Better Together
Better Together
Better Together: Preemptive (Pt 3)

We’re halfway through our series. And it’s probably good to admit this: Better together doesn’t always seem better. Be with anyone long enough and they will hurt you. So what are our options? Nag and complain? Isolate ourselves? Close emotions off to any real, meaningful relationship? Well, sure… you could. But, we propose a different way. And, if you can make it happen… every single relationship you have will be better, which will make your life better. It’s one of the secrets to a happy life… Listen or watch to find out what we mean. We promise, it’ll be worth your time… money back guarantee.

Now: Looking Back (pt 1)

Now: Looking Back (pt 1)

Now: Looking Back (pt 1)

Have you heard us say it before? God is FOR your happiness. In fact, God wants us to be happy NOW. But, so often we can’t enjoy NOW. We are actually robbed of our now and our happiness by either our past, future or life’s distractions. This week in part 1, we cover letting go of our past and the guilt that surrounds it. Listen or watch, and discover with us how you can live NOW, as God intended. Because, the past is over… accept, enjoy, and share God’s love NOW.

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