Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
How to have a happy marriage (Ep 47)

Everyone goes into marriage expecting happiness and contentment. Sadly the outcome is often quite different. But it doesn’t have to be. There is a simple practice we can do to improve and enjoy not only our marriage, but all of our other relationships as well.

Episode Breakdown:
0:00 This is for you, no matter who you are.
3:00 Impossibly Happy Marriages, w/ Jon
34:00 Giveaway & Announcements
38:00 One more thing…

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#forSalem FEBRUARY Opportunity: Luggage for Foster Care Collection Dates 2/21 (am) & 2/28 (pm)

Drive In Party, February 28th, 4:30-5:30m:

#SalemOregon #local Giveaways (Happening on Social Media later this week)
– Enter to win this week on Social Media: Danny’s on the Green:
– This week’s winner: Thai Orchid:

Suggested Readings:
Philippians 2:3-8 (daily challenge)
Mark 10:42-45

▶ Additional Resources:
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
Complement: The Surprising Beauty of Choosing Together Over Separate in Marriage

Music we listened to making this episode:
Jimi Hendrix- All Along the Watchtower
Ludwig Goransson- Troopers
Cannonball Adderly- Somethin’ Else

Donate to Crosscreek & keep a good thing goin’ 🙂


  1. What stood out, bothered, confused, or impacted you from this week’s message and/or passage?
  2. A. When you hear the words submit or submission what feelings stir in you?
    B. Now read Philippians 2:3-8. How does the attitude Paul calls Jesus-Followers to have toward others compare to your feelings about submission?
  3. Who do you need to love by submitting yourself to them this week? What are the barriers/challenges to doing so and how can your group pray for you in this during the week?