Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Improving by Removing... (Ep 51)

Often we think obtaining the “Good Life” means improving our current life in some way. But what if the “Good Life” isn’t about improving but removing? Jesus offers to remove the one thing that keeps all of us from truly experiencing the “Good Life” we are searching for. 

Episode Breakdown:
1:10 Welcome & Free Coffee
2:30 Lose it! Part 2 of The Good Life (not Weight Watchers)
22:40 Announcements & Not-Vandalism

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#forSalem MARCH Opportunity: EGG THY NEIGHBOR. Grab some easter eggs / an easter basket, fill with fun things and surprise a neighbor! More at
1. I need eggs, please provide! (email for pickup deets)
2. I want to include an invite to our Easter Eve Tailgater (download printable here)
3. I need ideas, help me! (Link to fun ideas, pinterest-style)

Easter Eve Tailgater, Saturday, April 3rd, 4:30-5:30pm. RSVP–

#SalemOregon #local Giveaways (Happening on Social Media later this week)
– Enter to win this week on Social Media- Ricky’s Bubbles & Sweets
– This week’s winner- Ratchet Brewery

Suggested Readings:
2 Corinthians 5:13-21
Romans 7:15-8:17

Music we listened to making this episode:
Crowder- Prove It
The Oh Hello’s- The Lament of Eustace Scrubb
Coldplay- A Sky Full of Stars

Donate to Crosscreek & keep a good thing goin’ 🙂


  1. How have you seen God working in your life this week?
  2. What stood out, challenged, encouraged, or bothered you in this week’s message and/or passage?
  3. Read Romans 8:1-2. What does this mean for you and for Jesus-followers as a group in living the “good life”? What would it be like to have these two sentences be part of your daily thinking?
  4. What barriers/challenges/questions do you have in living out the “good life” this week? How can your group pray for you in this?