We were created for more than we have yet to imagine. But often, we settle for so much less because we fail to make a few simple yet powerful choices. It is time we choose to take our place in the Kingdom of God.
Episode Breakdown:
0:30 Tailgate Talks w/ Donna & Monica
1:30 The Choice is Yours w/ Jon
23:30 A loaded truck & NEWS!
? Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast or the YouTube channel ? https://bit.ly/yourcrosscreek
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▶ #forSalem May Challenge: Meals FOR Teachers (Teacher Appreciation)
–Buy a meal for a teacher AND support a local restaurant.–
HOW: Pick a teacher… either of a family member or just from your neighborhood’s school (google is your friend here). Teacher emails are easy to find on school websites! What a surprise it would be to get a thank-you in what has been a pretty interesting and trying year!
? Here’s a list of some #salemoregon restaurants who have egift card options. (You can also just go directly to your favorite spot’s website to see if they have them available!) https://www.giftly.com/restaurant-gift-cards/salem-or
▶ Upcoming Outdoor Parties!!! May 9, 4:30pm. RSVP Here.
Music. BBQ. Gifts for moms and mother figures. Play area for kids and laid-back fun. Bring your own chair or blanket, and drinks. We’ll take care of the rest. RSVP online…
▶ #SalemOregon #local Giveaways (Happening on Social Media later this week)
– Enter to win this week- Flight Deck
– This week’s winner- Angel’s Share
▶ Suggested Bible Readings:
Matthew 13:1-23 and Luke 9:23-27
▶ Additional Resources:
Divine Government: God’s Kingship in the Gospel of Mark- R.T. France
▶ Music we listened to making this episode:
Gipsy Kings- Bamboleo
Ludwig Goransson- Welcome Back
Hillsong- Cornerstone
▶ Donate to Crosscreek & keep a good thing goin’ 🙂
- Describe this week’s message/passage in one sentence. What’s your reaction to the main idea presented?
- Read Luke 9:23-27 as a group. How does this strike you? What do you think “taking up your cross daily” looks like for you?
- Where would you put yourself on a scale from footpath to fertile soil? How can your group pray for you and your “dirtiness” this the week?