Rethink: How do I love the other side? — Together #forSalem (ep 67)

Rethink: How do I love the other side? — Together #forSalem (ep 67)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Rethink: How do I love the other side? -- Together #forSalem (ep 67)

Why does our society seem so polarized and contentious? We have chosen to define ourselves by what we are against… which forces us to define others as either allies or enemies. But Jesus showed us a better way. Following Jesus in the 21st century requires us to define ourselves by what we are FOR.

Love MY Enemy?! (Ep 49)

Love MY Enemy?! (Ep 49)

Together #forSalem
Together #forSalem
Love MY Enemy?! (Ep 49)

It’s easy to love those who love you. But if we really want to change the world (and our lives) we need to learn to love those who choose to be actively against us. It’s illogical, but it’s the most powerful love the world has ever known.